Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Week: December 12th
The holiday break begins next week! There will be no school December 22nd through January 2nd. We will see students back in school on Tuesday, January 3rd.
Concert: The first graders did a wonderful job at the concert this past Wednesday night. Thank you for bringing your student and your support!
Reading: Students are practicing having thoughts as they read-reacting to and talking back to the text, instead of just reading through the words. Students are learning to make connections between their texts and their own lives and are making inferences and predictions about the story.
We are nearing the end of Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne for our class read-aloud.
Writing: We have been focusing on handwriting work this week. We are also getting in the holiday spirit by reading holiday-related texts, and responding to them with writing or a craft. Books we have read include The Polar Express, The Mitten, and The Night Before Christmas.
Spelling: Patterns –ig, -it, and -ill sounds and word identification
Math: Introduction to the dime, dollars and cents notation, and exchanging pennies, nickels and dimes
Math you can practice at home: Telling time to the half-hour, counting coins
Science: Continuation of where food comes from/growing our food
Keep up that reading over the break!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Mrs. Craft
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Week: December 5, 2011
Tis the season to both give and receive. The Hartland Elementary School is involved in various charitable projects, and your help is always welcome. First of all, we have a coin drive to benefit David’s House. This is an organization that supports families whose children are seriously ill and are patients at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. We will be collecting both spare change and metal can tabs (which we will exchange for money) until Christmas.
It is also the final week of the Hartland Christmas Project. We are collecting gently used clothing, games and also non-perishable goods.
Thank you for your generosity!
Note: The holiday concert is Wednesday, Dec. 14th. The students will meet in our classroom at 6:15pm and should be picked up from the classroom following the concert. See you there!
Reading: We are finishing up our Eric Carle author study. This week we read Pancakes, Pancakes! and The Grouchy Ladybug.
Students have been reading in partnerships and are learning to retell stories to one another using details such as character, setting, and plot.
We are reading a classic, Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne as our class read-aloud.
Writing: Students are continuing written responses (book reports) for each Eric Carle book that we read.
We are also focusing on handwriting work. *Please emphasize neat handwriting on the homework. We notice that some students are not working to their potential with regards to handwriting on homework.
Spelling: Patterns –ot, -op, -og sounds and word identification
Math: Telling time to the half-hour and frames and arrows problems
Math you can practice at home: Telling time to the half-hour
Science: We are learning about where our food comes from: farm to table. This week we learned about agriculture, and more specifically, the origin of peanut butter and bread.
Keep up that reading at home!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Week: November 28th
It is hard to believe December has already arrived. We have a lot to look forward to this month. This Friday is our field trip to the HOP. We will be getting in the holiday spirit in our classroom through books, crafts and activities. We will have a holiday celebration with our Reading Buddies in Mrs. Ziegler’s class. On December 14th, at 6:30pm, we have our holiday concert (more details to come).
These are just some of the festivities we have to look forward to during this festive time.
Reading: We have been doing an author study on Eric Carle. Books we have read so far include, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Greedy Python, Mister Seahorse, and “Slowly. Slowly, Slowly,” said the Sloth.
We are reading Magic Treehouse #7, Sunset of the Sabertooth, and discussing the Ice Age.
Writing: Students are writing written responses (book reports) for each Eric Carle book that we read. We are discussing character, setting, and plot.
Spelling: Patterns –at, -an, -ad sounds and word identification
Math: Even and odd numbers, and adding and subtracting on the number line
Math you can practice at home: Review of even and odd numbers and problem solving (ex. “Lucy has 7 pennies. She lost 3 pennies. How many pennies does Lucy have left?”)
Science: We are learning about where our food comes from: farm to table.
Keep up the good work, and keep up that reading at home!
Word of the week: “we”
Mrs. Craft
Friday, November 18, 2011
Week: November 14th
We have a two-day week next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Dismissal will be at the usual time on Tuesday, November 22nd, and we will see your students back at school on Monday, November 28th.
Have a fun and safe holiday!
We have seen an increase in toys brought into the classroom from home, which tends to cause a distraction. Please ensure that your child is not bringing toys to school (unless we have discussed a specific therapeutic need), with the exception of share day (items other than toys are encouraged!)
Field Trip:
Friday, December 2nd-The HOP-School Matinee Series: Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny
Reading: Students are back in the swing of bringing classroom books home to share with you. These will generally be sent home on a Monday and should return on Friday (similar to the homework schedule). Commentary in the reading journals is encouraged!
We are reading Magic Treehouse #6, Afternoon on the Amazon. We are discussing Amazon animals and geography.
Writing: Students are working on a Thanksgiving book. They are reflecting on and writing about things for which they are thankful.
Spelling: “K” “Q” “X” and “U”
sounds and word identification
Math: Penny, nickel and time review, patterns, and even and odd numbers introduction.
Math you can practice at home: Review of previously taught concepts such as counting by 10s, 5s and 2s, telling time on the hour, counting, and number writing
We will be sending home math homework in addition to spelling. This will hopefully serve to enhance students’ learning of concepts discussed in the classroom.
Word of the week: “see”
Mrs. Craft
Friday, November 4, 2011
Week: October 31st
If you have not yet signed up for parent/teacher conferences, please do so either on the sign-up sheet outside of our classroom, or by sending in a note or an email with your preferred day and time. Conferences will be held Monday 11/7-Thursday 11/10. before and after school.
Thursday, November 10th-Half Day
Friday, November 11th-No School
Thank you to those who contributed to our Fall Party on Monday-it was a lot of fun!
Reading: Linda Moyer, an America Reads volunteer will be visiting our classroom on Thursday mornings to read with students individually. We hope this will enhance our students’ love of reading!
I am sad to say, we finished Charlotte’s Web yesterday. It will be hard to top!
Writing: 1C students completed their fall books this week. Each student has come a long way as a writer-we are very proud!
Spelling: “V” “R” “J” and “Y” sounds and word identification
Math: Coins and cents notation-Counting and exchanging pennies and nickels
Math you can practice at home: Review of previously taught concepts such as counting by 10s, 5s and 2s, telling time on the hour, counting, and number writing
The first graders eagerly completed their first week of homework. Keep an eye out for those green folders on Mondays, and we look forward to checking completed work on Fridays.
Word of the week: “can”
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
-Mrs. Craft
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Week: October 24th
Parent/Teacher conference time is almost here. Conferences will be held the week of November 7th. I have posted a conference sign-up sheet outside of our classroom. Please sign up for your preferred time. I will do my best to accommodate everyone.
If you are unable to come in to sign up, please send me a note or an email with your availability. Conferences will be held before and after school Monday 11/7-Thursday 11/10.
Notes: Thank you to Judson’s family for hosting our fall field trip, to Zeb’s father for our ELF lesson, and to all of our parent volunteers. It was a fun and informative day!
Pictures can be viewed on the class blog.
Reading: Keep up that reading at home!
Some students can use extra practice with letter-sound correspondence and rhyming…practice at home helps!
We are still loving our class read-aloud: Charlotte’s Web !
Writing: We are working on “Fall” books. 1C students are becoming beautiful writers. We are working on writing conventions such as spacing, uppercase vs. lowercase letters, and punctuation.
Spelling: “H” and “C” sounds and word identification
Math: Introduction to coins and cents notation-this week we are focusing on pennies.
Science/Social Studies: Our ELF lesson this week focused on leaf variations and characteristics and nutrition (photosynthesis).
First graders will begin having homework next week. On Monday, we will be sending home green folders with spelling work. This is to be done at home and returned by Friday. Students should be familiar with instructions, as we have been practicing in class.
Word of the week: “how”
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
-Mrs. Craft
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Week: October 17th
Fire Safety…
On Thursday the Hartland Fire Department paid a visit to our school in honor of fire safety month. The students learned about fire safety and toured the fire truck. Please talk with your child about fire safety in your own home.
Check out the picture on our class blog of 1C students in their fire hats.
Notes: The first graders have a field trip on Monday, October 24th. We will be leaving school after snack time, so children will be bringing their lunches with them on the trip. Those who get hot lunch will be given a brown bag lunch from the cafeteria.
In the Classroom…
Reading: 1C has been learning how to think and talk about books with others by sharing a book with a reading partner each day.
We are still loving our class read-aloud: Charlotte’s Web !
Writing: We completed our rhyming books, and are focusing on handwriting. We are trying to ensure that all students know how to write important identification information, such as last name, phone number and address. Practice at home would be beneficial!
Spelling: “B” and “W” sounds and word identification.
Math: 1C has been learning about time and telling time on the hour. Keep up counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s at home!
Science/Social Studies: We are investigating aspects of season change, such as why leaves change colors.
Check out the pictures on Mrs. Rodis’ blog of 1C in action as they make salsa and work on their Monarch butterfly project.
Word of the week: “me”
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
-Mrs. Craft
Friday, October 14, 2011
Week: October 10
October fun….
On Monday, October 24th the first graders will take a field trip to the home of Judson Dunne to do some exploring on nearby nature trails. We will be investigating signs of season change.
We are looking for 2 or 3 parent volunteers who might be willing to come along and help out. If interested, please contact me. The trip will run
from 10:30am-2:00pm.Thank you!
Notes: Hartland students do not have school on Tuesday, October 18th due to staff inservice.
What’s going on in the classroom?
Reading: 1C has been reading the Itsy Bitsy Spider as our shared reading for rhyming practice. If you get the chance, practice rhyming at home with your student!
We are still loving our class read-aloud: Charlotte’s Web !
Writing: Using the Itsy Bitsy Spider as a model, 1C students are creating their own Itsy Bitsy Spider rhyming books.
Spelling: “O” sounds and word identification (listening for “o” in the beginning and middle of words)
Math: 1C has been practicing counting on our hundreds charts and identifying
complements of 10. Keep up counting by 10’s, 5’s, and 2’s at home!
Science/Social Studies: We are wrapping up our spiders unit this week. 1C went on a spider hunt and sketch-we found lots of spiders on our playground. We have our very own “Charlotte” living outside of our classroom’s back door. Check out a picture on the class blog...
Specials: 1C made salsa with Mrs. Rodis in Spanish class!
Word of the week: “my”
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
-Mrs. Craft
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Week: October 3
Star Students!
Mr. Kevin Cox made a special visit to 1C to honor our class for hard work and great behavior. As their treat, he did a class read-aloud. We are very proud of the job each student in 1C has been doing so far this year. Keep up the great work!
Notes: Our 1C blog is up and running on the Hartland Elementary School website. It may move slowly these next couple months as I get used to it, so have patience, and enjoy!
What’s Going on in the Classroom?
Reading: We hope the families are enjoying the take-home books (if your student has not brought one home yet, it will come soon!). These are books the students have mastered and are ready to share with you. The 1C readers are doing an amazing job!
We are loving our class read-aloud: Charlotte’s Web. We have been talking about characters and setting.
Writing: Students have been working on handwriting this week. We are seeing some beautiful letters!
Spelling: “N” and “D” sounds and word identification
Math: With the air getting colder, 1C has been learning about weather and temperature. Keep up that counting by 5’s and 2’s practice!
Science/Social Studies: 1C has been reading about spiders, and we now have 19 spiders in our classroom (made of paper and pipe cleaners!). We went on a fall walk with Mrs. Hitchcock’s 2nd grade class this Wednesday in honor of National Walk Day.
Word of the week: “and”
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
-Mrs. Craft
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Week: September 26
Fall is here and 1C has much in store for the month ahead. We will continue to read and write about fall, and look for signs of the changing seasons. We will begin learning about spiders in science, and we will be reading Charlotte’s Web as a class read aloud.
Notes: Mrs. Christie –Maples met with the first graders this week to talk about flouride. With parental consent, students will be starting fluoride treatments next week.
Reading: We will be sending home Reading Logs with students’ take-home books. Feel free to comment!
Reading buddies is in full swing on Wednesdays with Mrs. Ziegler’s class. Our class spends 20 minutes each week reading with our 5th grade buddies.
We look forward to starting reading groups in our classroom soon!
Writing: 1C students are composing books about the butterfly lifecycle: Egg-Caterpillar-Chrysalis-Butterfly
Spelling: “I” and “F” sounds and word identification
Math: Unit 1 Review-Calendar, Tally Marks, Less than/More than, number formation 1 to 6, counting by 5’s
Science/Social Studies: We are wrapping up our butterfly unit, and kicking off “spiders” with ELF this Friday!
Word of the week: “am”
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
-Mrs. Craft
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Welcome to our class blog!
1C is off to a great start this year. We will be doing lots of neat things throughout the year, and you can read about them on our blog.
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