Friday, January 20, 2012

Week: January 16th

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support at home with homework. We have been very proud of our students. They are doing a wonderful job on their homework, and I know it is strengthening their learning here at school.
Spelling Tests: Starting next week, students will have a short word list attached to their spelling homework. Students should review these words over the week, and will be tested on Fridays.  There will not be more than six words. Thanks for your help with this!

Note: We have a field trip coming up on Tuesday, January 24. We will be going to the Lebanon Opera House to see a performance of Duck for President.

Reading: Students have been practicing their reading skills: envisioning, predicting and making connections.
Students are doing a wonderful job on their reading assessments. We have a strong group of readers in 1C!
We are reading Mr. Popper’s Penguins as our class read aloud.
Writing: Students have been working on writing assignments about our theme this week: penguins!
Spelling: Words with –at and -an
Math: Students are learning addition facts, as well as reviewing previously learned concepts.
If you have the chance, please review telling time to the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour at home.
Science: We have been continuing to learn about penguins, the south pole and related topics.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week: January 9th

Dear Parents,

Friday, January 13th is the end of the marking period. However report cards will be distributed on Friday, January 27th.

Reminder: No school on Monday, January 16th due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

Reading: Students have been practicing their reading skills: envisioning, predicting and making connections.
We are in the middle of reading assessments, as I mentioned last week. Next week we will have a substitute teacher coming in to help out for a few periods as the 1st and 2nd grade teachers continue the assessments.
We are reading Mr. Popper’s Penguins as our class read aloud.

Writing: Students completed a sentence dictation writing assessment this week. They did a very good job of identifying sounds and writing the corresponding letters to form sentences.
Our students seem to love handwriting work. If you would like to suggest your student practice handwriting at home, please go for it!

Spelling: Patterns –ug, -un, and –ut sounds and word identification

Math: Students completed a mid-year assessment this week and everyone did very well.
We are learning about telling time to the quarter hour.

Science: We have been learning about penguins, the south pole and related topics.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Craft

Friday, January 6, 2012

Week: January 2nd

Dear Parents,

Winter is here and we want to be sure the students are prepared. Students are not allowed to play out in the yard if they do not have snow pants, boots, jacket, hat and gloves. Please make sure you are sending your child to school prepared. If there is an item you do not have at home, let us know and we will find a replacement. Thank you for your help with this!
Reminder: Noon dismissal on January 13th.

Reading: Students are practicing reading skills such as envisioning (imagining the story in our minds as we read) and predicting (on the word, sentence and plot levels). We are administering formal reading assessments this month, which will help to inform our reading instruction and students’ learning.
We are reading Magic Treehouse #8, Midnight on the Moon for our class read-aloud, and talking about the solar system.
Writing: We have been focusing on handwriting work this week while we get back into the swing of things after the break. Students have also been writing about their vacations, and practicing their editing skills to improve their writing.
Spelling: Patterns –ed, -en, and
-et sounds and word identification
Math: Review of time and temperature, introduction to measurement: the inch
Math you can practice at home: Telling time to the half-hour, counting coins
Science: Continuation of where food comes from/growing our food 

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Craft