Friday, March 16, 2012

Week: March 12th

Dear Parents,

Just a couple reminders as we move into the last three months of school. First, although most of the snow has melted, students still need to come to school with snowboots as we approach the spring season. This is due to the slushy and muddy playground.
Occasionally students come to school without a snack. We do not promote sharing food, so these students may go without food until lunch-time. Please try to remember to pack some sort of snack. Thank you for your help with this!
Conferences: Unless you receive a request, conferences are not mandatory for this quarter. However, if you would like to meet, we can schedule a time during the week of April 9th (Monday-Thursday). Just let me know your time preferences.

Reading: Students have been continuing their reading exploration in groups based on common reading interests and they discuss books together. We have also been working on incorporating phonics into our reading: diagraphs (-sh, -ch, -th, -wh), long vowels vs. short vowels, -ing, words that end in –ed, and sight words.  Students are quick to notice and point out phonics techniques as they read.
We are still reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Writing: Students are working on their second painted essay around the theme of friendship.  We are using the book, George and Martha  by James Marshall.
Spelling: Lesson 20, words with
Math: Students are working on addition and subtraction facts.
Science: This week we did a lesson on heat energy as it relates to liquids vs. solids and melting vs. freezing.
Have a great weekend!

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