Friday, May 4, 2012

Week of April 30th

Dear Parents,

First, a quick reminder that Green-Up day will take place in Hartland this Saturday, May 5th.

Also, we are anticipating two upcoming field trips:
-Monday, May 7th: Meacham Farm
*If you would like to join, just let me know. We will be there from 9:45 to 2:00.
*Students should come dressed appropriately for a farm-no shorts or sandals please.
*If your child is having hot lunch, we will pick up brown bag lunches from the cafeteria.
-Monday, May 14th: Lebanon Opera House

Reading: We have been practicing phonics within our reading. This week we have been looking for long a words in our books, and recognizing the letter combinations that make the long a sound. This is something you can do at home too. 
We are currently reading A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond. We are talking about the geography mentioned in the book (Peru and London).
Writing: The students recently celebrated their writing by publishing a chosen piece and sharing it with the class. We are moving on to non-fiction research papers.
Spelling: Lesson 26, words with
Math: Students have learned to identify polygons and the following shapes: sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, cone and pyramid. We are also learning about symmetry.
Please continue to practice at home: time (hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, am vs. pm), money (penny, nickel, dime and quarter), and counting by 2s, 5s and 10s.
Science/Social Studies: On Monday, our students planted in pots which they made. Thanks goes to Mrs. Kelly for this opportunity!  

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Craft

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